to create the love (and life!) you deserve
without self doubt, perfectionism, and insecurities getting in your way
Self Worth struggles have been holding you back;
Isn't it time to start a new chapter?
For my women who seem like they have it all together, but know deep down there’s still one piece missing in your life…
And no, it’s not finding an amazing partner or taking your relationship to the next level (although you want that, too!)
You’ve realized that there's an even more important relationship that's desperate for your attention...
The foundation to healthy romance and everything else you desire...
Your relationship with yourself ❤️
It's time to finally own your value;
to learn to treat yourself with the level of compassion and commitment that you'd want from a partner;
to ditch low self worth patterns like people pleasing, perfectionism, and fear of rejection.
It's time, babe, to make self love a priority and to WAKE UP YOUR WORTH!Â
I want to let you in on a secret.
After helping hundreds of women to call in their dream partner in my 8+ years as a Love Coach, I can confidently say...
There's no "perfect" body, personality, looks, achievements, or anything else external that will get you the love you want.
The truth?
- You feel the weight-off-your-shoulders ease of knowing that you are enough just as you are; no outside validation necessary
- You are your #1 priority: you treat yourself like a queen, keep your cup full and protect your precious energy
- You show up in your love life (and all your relationships) with unapologetic authenticity.
- Your standards are up, so you're only available for the highest-quality experiences with people who can meet you at your new level of self worth ;)
- You can feel proud instead of cringey when someone asks about your dating life
- You can take up space and say what’s really on your mind-- at work, with friends, in all your relationships
- You have the courage to be vulnerable; leaning in to create real connection
- You have the confidence to walk away when something doesn’t actually feel right, without scarcity or second-guessing
-  You're a manifesting magnet, attracting people and opportunities that reflect your newfound inner worthiness!!

Are you ready for a step-by-step path to unshakable self worth that unlocks epic love?
You've tried to boost your confidence through quick fixes and hits of outside validation... and discovered it's unsustainable.
You go through phases of journaling, trying affirmations, setting intentions for more self care... but nothing really changes.
Maybe you've binged self help books & podcasts and had many cathartic conversations with your therapist... but you feel like you've plateaued.Â
You've landed here for a reason, babe:
 You're ready for a proven step-by-step path to self worth, self love, and empowerment-- so you can break free from this cycle once and for all.
It's all waiting for you to say YES to yourself!

Hi, love!
I've been right where you are.
Before I was a Love Coach, guiding countless women since 2016 to magnetize dreamy relationships through self love, worthiness, and empowerment...
Before I transformed my own self-relationship & dating life and found my soulmate, Alex...
I struggled to feel like I was enough.
Stressing about my body, trying to seem more interesting or funny on dates, comparing myself to friends and feeling so behind... I lacked security within myself.
So I turned to people pleasing, naturally!
Seeking validation meant I'd always put others' needs before my own. I lost myself and my power in dating, with men, even in friendships and my work life.
Until I finally went on a journey to reclaim and nurture my relationship with ME, and it changed everything...!
That, my dear, is why I've devoted my career to helping women embody their worthiness and to fall in unconditional love with themselves.
You deserve love beyond your wildest dreams, and it starts with you.
I'm here to guide the way,

to create the authentic love (and life!) you crave

The Wake Up Your Worth course journey
includes everything you need to:
- Cultivate magnetic self worth from within, so that you can finally be at ease with yourself, knowing that you are enough just as you are. Instead of thinking “Do they like me?,” you’ll be asking “Do I want to invest in this person?”
- Reclaim the power that you’ve been giving away to fear-based patterns like comparison, people-pleasing, fear of rejection, perfectionism, and loosey goosey (or non-existent!) boundaries; no more saying “Yes” when you’re actually a “No”
- Learn to show up for YOU and your desires, fully and unapologetically! Stay true to your values, pursue
opportunities with confidence, and create the loving self-relationship that is the foundation for everything else
you desire to call into your life-- including your dream relationship ;)
"As soon as I found Evin, I knew she was different from other coaches."
She wasn’t trying to fit me into a certain mold or to help me “get a man;” instead, she helped me figure out who I truly am, and how to love and accept myself, so that I could set new empowering standards for myself and my dating life.
After letting go of my negative self-image, I no longer see dating as stressful or daunting, and I’m not focused on someone else “choosing me” or avoiding rejection at all costs. I’m putting myself first and I’m choosing me-- because I know now that I’m awesome, and I’m worth it!
Honestly, I’m just so happy that a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders (and off my heart!). I think everyone deserves to have this feeling, this lightness, this authenticity. I hope you’ll choose to take this journey, too.. I promise you won’t regret it!
- Soleil, Chicago, IL

cultivating inner self worth
We kick off with an uplifting mindset makeover, releasing all those external conditions you’ve been relying on to define your worth, and discovering your own inherent worthiness from within. You’ll learn how to use feel good practices to reinforce your worthiness every damn day!
- Uproot all the external measures of your worth, and discover your Core Values (enter: unconditional worthiness from within)
- The #1 simple, powerful practice you'll use to remind yourself of your worth; tough body image days or even getting ghosted can't touch you!
- Supercharge your self care game so you can treat yourself like the deserving woman you are.
- Ditch the Inner Critic to dim the self-judgement and "shhhh" the critical voice in your head.
- Self-validation here you come! Learn to channel your Inner Cheerleader, who knows you’re worthy just as you are-- and that you're a f*cking CATCH!

reclaiming your power
We’ll explore & breakthrough the top 4 self-sabotaging
patterns where you’re giving your power away, so you can
stay solid in yourself as you show up fully for YOU.
Get ready to say “BOY BYE” to:
- PERFECTIONISM: That “I’m not ____ enough”
mindset has got to go, so you can embrace
ALL of your perfectly imperfect, authentic self - THE COMPARISON TRAP: Self-affirming tools to look
comparison in the face and say “we’re not going there!”,
and to even find inspiration instead of angst in jealousy! - FEAR OF REJECTION: Once you realize rejection has
nothing to do with you or your worth, you can show up
freely and confidently for everything you desire - WEAK BOUNDARIES: It’s time to own your “No,” so that you
can honor your needs, protect your energy (and your heart!),
and reclaim that power! Spoiler: healthy relationships
depend on healthy boundaries ;)

embodying your worth...
and setting the standards for your future love life (and beyond)!
We’ll deepen and integrate all your new worthiness mindsets with powerful EMBODIMENT practices, and a crystal clear vision of how you’ll be showing up for yourself and your desires from this day forward!
- Bring this gorgeous worthiness work down into the core of who you are with movement & embodiment practices-- so that nothing and no one can take this growth away from you!
- Tap into appreciation and unconditional approval for your body, so you can feel at ease in your skin.
- Time to write your vows… to you! Empowered by clear and loving commitments to yourself, there’s no doubt that your next-level worthiness will create next-level experiences in life & love!

BONUS when you jump in today:
✨ "YOU ARE ENOUGH" guided meditation ✨
Here to remind you just how worthy you are, anytime you need it!
Are you ready to

- Empowering video lessons: loving & transformational lessons from Evin over 10 life-changing weeks (valued at $997)
- Breakthrough Practices Workbook: Downloadable guides with loving reminders, transformational exercises, practices & tools for every lesson (valued at $797)
- Self Worth in Action Plan: Weekly action steps to create tangible breakthroughs + integrate what you’re learning into your life (valued at $597)
- Q+A Safe Space: to share your ah-ha moments, ask Evin anything & receive personalized answers, and interact with other women sharing the journey (valued at $397)
- Bonus: Evin’s Worthiness Meditation-- to instantly soothe, affirm, and remind you that you’re worthy just as you whenever you need (valued at $97)
With a Total Value of $2,885, we've priced Wake Up Your Worth at just:
"Since starting Wake Up Your Worth, my self worth and confidence have skyrocketed, and I feel so much ease where I used to feel anxiety!
Every lesson was powerful and eye-opening for me, and compared to what I’ve learned in therapy, the way Evin delivers the lessons and exercises makes it SO much easier to understand and actually incorporate into my life.
For the first time, I'm now confident speaking up for my needs and setting boundaries in dating and friendships, and making daily choices that prioritize my happiness with so much ease!
I’ve honestly always been skeptical of these kinds of courses...
But this really changed my life for the better-- and in so many more areas than just dating. I'm so grateful!
- Cherilyn, Chicago, IL

"In WUYW, IÂ learned to value myself for all of who I am, and to get over my fear of disappointing people so that I can honor myself and communicate with confidence!
I've always been really self-critical, and I used to tie my worth to my looks or to a number on the scale.
I knew I had to learn to create a loving relationship with myself before I could fully benefit from other relationships... This course was exactly what I needed to do just that!
I loved that I could go through the lessons on my own time and make it work with my crazy schedule.Â
Evin's also inside the course to respond to questions, and it's amazing to see how much she really cares about our growth!
I can’t say enough about how powerful this journey was for me. Jump in!!”Â
-Â Patience, Montreal, Canada
Is Wake Up Your Worth the right fit for you?

Wake Up Your Worth isn’t for everyone! Let’s make sure that the course journey is a magical fit for you:
- You’re a woman who has it (almost) all together, but your confidence and fulfillment in your love life just doesn’t match up
- You’re self aware: You see some of your self-sabotaging patterns, but you’re ready to turn your awareness into action and create lasting breakthroughs
- You’re growth-minded: You’re not just here to find a partner; you want to become the best, most authentic YOU that you know you can be
- You’re DONE trying to piece it all together on your own. You’ve tried to kick the “I’m not enough” syndrome on your own. You’re ready to dive deeper and follow a proven path so you can create real transformation in just 10 weeks!
- You’re willing to stay stuck in the low self worth cycle for years to come: You’re resigned to being your own worst critic, self-sabotaging, and staying stuck in your love life.
- You already feel worthy AF: You’re in love with your authentic self, and confident in showing up (and speaking up!) for everything you desire
- You want a band-aid dating strategy: You’re looking for “the 5 texts to get the guy,” or other gimmicks to get your dating life to look a certain way, rather than taking responsibility for your own happiness and addressing the root of the issue
- You want a fluffy course that’s all #goodvibesonly: There are times we’ll use mantras and affirmations in an authentic and powerful way, but this is not just a quick-hit of positivity, “love yourself, girl!,” kinda course; this is the real deal ;)

the time is now, BABE!
If you’re ready to finally ditch your self worth struggles and show up confidently in your life, Wake Up Your Worth is ready to guide you every step of the way.
It’s time to breakthrough those old patterns that you know are no longer serving you; self doubt, perfectionism, body insecurity, constant comparison, people-pleasing, seeking validation outside yourself… it’s exhausting, and robbing you of the joy, the ease, the LOVE that’s waiting for you.
Your next-level self, the one who OWNS her inherent worthiness, who honors herself, her desires, her needs first, who’s ready to show up whole-heartedly and receive the next-level experiences she desires?
She’s waiting to meet you.
All that’s left is for you to say “yes” to yourself. Will you do it?!
I'M SO READY!When you honor your worth,
all of your desires become possible.
Give yourself the gift of this empowering journey today;
your future self will thank you!
Qs women asked before saying
"Wake Up My Worth!"
I’m super busy; will I even have time for this course?
I know I need this, but it feels like a lot to invest in myself!
I’ve read all the self-help books, I follow inspirational instagram accounts, and listen to motivational podcasts… how will this course be different?
How is this kind of course different from therapy?
Do I need to be currently dating to take this course?
This sounds awesome, but is it really possible for me to ditch these long-ingrained low self-worth patterns that I know are holding me back?
Are you ready to

- Empowering video lessons: loving & transformational lessons from Evin over 10 life-changing weeks (valued at $997)
- Breakthrough Practices Workbook: Downloadable guides with loving reminders, transformational exercises, practices & tools for every lesson (valued at $797)
- Self Worth in Action Plan: Weekly action steps to create tangible breakthroughs + integrate what you’re learning into your life (valued at $597)
- Q+A Safe Space: to share your ah-ha moments, ask Evin anything & receive personalized answers, and interact with other women sharing the journey (valued at $497)
The Wake Up Your Worth course journey has a Total Value of $2,885, but we've priced it at just:
One last thing:
You deserve this.
I hope to see you inside!

© 2021 Evin Rose Coaching